Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The END of 2009

We thought we would finish our year with updating our very very neglected blog.

Starting off with Thanksgiving. We spent the day with the Dudley side of the family and had a great Thanksgiving Dinner held at my sister Tiffany's home. Yes, 30 people all at one table!
Following dinner we all split up and went to see a movie. Adam and I already had seen the Blind Side, which was the first choice in movies everyone wanted to see. So we drew the short straw and went to see Planet 51. I wouldn't recommend it. My parents were so nice to watch the kids. Sadly enough, Bryson and chad slept through dinner, so they enjoyed Thanksgiving pie with us!
Next was three very exciting events. The day after Thanksgiving, my oldest nephew came home from his mission in London. Then two weeks later my nephew Tyson came home from his mission. This was the first time that both of them have met both of our kiddos. And last but not least, my nephew Taylor got his mission call to the Qutezaltenango Guatemala mission.
We all know that the season is FILLED with eating LOTS and LOTS of yummy food. Bryson and Chad seem to think so. Chad ate food for the first time. He wasn't quite sure he loved it at first, but now JUST LOVES IT! His favorites are Green Beans and Squash. Bryson also decided that spaghetti tasted better on his head than in his mouth. He is such a great eater and LOVES food.
Not only did Chad get to try food for the first time, but he also got his first haircut. Unlike Bryson, it really was not a good experience!
Next came Christmas. We went to my sister Marney's house for Christmas Eve, where we did our traditional scones and soup dinner, followed by a pinata, and last but not least ... decorating sugar cookies for Santa! Bryson loved them all, but especially hitting the pinata. Santa came, and Bryson and Chad sure didn't really get it, but after a while, the present opening sure became fun. Bryson and chad got fun toys and lots of trucks and cars. This was our first year by ourselves on Christmas morning, so we invited my parents to come and open gifts with us!The day following Christmas we headed to Kanab to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa Douglass. We planned it just right and met up with two of Adam's brothers and their families (Ryan & Jarrett). Me and my two sister in-laws were pregnant at the same time and had our boys within 3 weeks of each other. They played and played and had so much fun.Grandma just loved spending time with her grandkids. We sure enjoyed visiting with the family and staying up way late each night playing games! Last but not least ... we came home for one day and headed to a cabin with my family at Timberlakes, which is east of Heber, Utah. Although we were hoping to spend most of the weekend snowmobling ... we spent three days dealing with our little Chad who we found out had the stomach flu. We were hoping that Bryson would be able to ring the new year with us, but he was too tired. In fact, the cabin was so cold, we found him curled up in a small ball. Poor little guy! Because of our sick little one, we didn't sleep much ... and neither did anyone else ... we all left exhausted and somewhat relieved that the holidays were finally over.

We are now back to life, and trying to get back on a schedule ... but sure had a great holiday season and hope your holidays were great too!


Jaimie said...

aww, I LOVED this post! Your boys are so so so cute! I can't wait to see them again, even though Bryson won't remember us :) Everyone looks amazing, and I just love your big ol' family. :) oh, and I LOVE your hair! very cute.

Jules said...

holy cow, the thanksgiving table is HUGE!! and I can't believe your nephews are that old! I remember when they were born. weird.
your boys are so adorable!

Niki Carter said...

What cute boys you have! I love that first picture! I think Chad looks just like you!

Jana said...

Mandy that is my mission that Tyson is going to. He will love it! It was so good to see you on Friday night and Saturday. I sure have missed you!

The Marecles said...

It looks like you guys had a great holiday, filled with lots of fun!

Kari Ann said...

Looks like fun! It was so good to see you the other night. I think you are amazing, as usual!

Kelly Evanson said...

looks like you guys are having fun back in utah and being with family. the boys are so cute. time flies. can't believe our babies are 8 months now!! is chad crawling yet. ty isn't even close but i guess that makes things easier on me!! have a happy new year!

Heather B said...

Yay for an update!! Your boys are soooooo dang cute! I love how Bryson kinda looks more like Adam, and Chad looks more like you. It is DEFINITELY challenging with kids this close together, I hear you! Anyway, your Thanksgiving sounds so much like the ones at our house-- your table setup even looks like ours. :) And we always go to a movie too.